Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kate Middleton Stretch Marks?

The buzz recently has been Kate Middleton's pregnancy. How exciting is this? I am so anxious to see what the baby looks like given how attractive Kate and William are. I have been so disgusted with the whole royal family in recent years so Kate is definitely a breath of fresh air. She is down to earth and approachable.

Well pregnancy can wreak havoc on a woman's body shape even for a girlish thin body like Kate's. Just about everyone gets stretch marks. In fact 75% to 90% of pregnant women get stretch marks during and after pregnancy. Like most people, you probably hate stretch marks. The question is not whether you have it or will have it but what are you going to do to prevent it or get rid of it.

So what is Kate to do to prevent stretch marks? I recently asked industy veteran, Catherine Atzen, founder of ATZEN, the premier natural, high performing, and safe skin care company, what women, specifically pregant women, should do about their stretch marks.

Ms. Atzen mentioned that she has a product developed specifically for stretch marks, the DNA Repair and Lift Serum, and it been proven to deliver great results for women such as Kate. She recommends that pregnant women should use this product every day after shower to prevent stretch marks during and post pregnancy. You can also see her talk about stretch marks in this video. Well there you have it. Until next time, stay safe and take great care of your skin.

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